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In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import math
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

Step 1

In [2]:
power_plants = ["Solar", "Wind", "Hydro", "Nuclear", "Biomass",
               "Coal", "Gas", "Oil", "Diesel"]

marginal_costs = [1, 2, 5, 10, 40, 60, 80, 120, 130]
capacity = [200, 250, 200, 500, 50, 200, 250, 100, 50]
In [3]:
df = pd.DataFrame({"Types": power_plants,
                   "Marginal Costs": marginal_costs,
                   "Available capacity (MW)": capacity

df.set_index("Types", inplace = True)

Marginal Costs Available capacity (MW)
Solar 1 200
Wind 2 250
Hydro 5 200
Nuclear 10 500
Biomass 40 50
Coal 60 200
Gas 80 250
Oil 120 100
Diesel 130 50
In [4]:
df["Cumulative capacity (MW)"] = df["Available capacity (MW)"].cumsum()
Marginal Costs Available capacity (MW) Cumulative capacity (MW)
Solar 1 200 200
Wind 2 250 450
Hydro 5 200 650
Nuclear 10 500 1150
Biomass 40 50 1200
Coal 60 200 1400
Gas 80 250 1650
Oil 120 100 1750
Diesel 130 50 1800
In [5]:
print ("Total available capacity: ", df["Available capacity (MW)"].sum(), "MW")
Total available capacity:  1800 MW

Step 2: Enter total demand.

In [6]:
#demand = int(input("Enter total demand (MW): "))
demand = 1500 # [MW]

Positions of bars in x-axis

In [7]:
Marginal Costs Available capacity (MW) Cumulative capacity (MW)
Solar 1 200 200
Wind 2 250 450
Hydro 5 200 650
Nuclear 10 500 1150
Biomass 40 50 1200
Coal 60 200 1400
Gas 80 250 1650
Oil 120 100 1750
Diesel 130 50 1800
In [8]:
df["xpos"] = ""

for index in df.index:
    #get index number based on index name
    i = df.index.get_loc(index)
    if index == "Solar":    #First index
        df.loc[index, "xpos"] = df.loc[index, "Available capacity (MW)"]/2
        #Sum of cumulative capacity in the row above and the half of available capacity in 
        df.loc[index, "xpos"] = df.loc[index, "Available capacity (MW)"]/2 + df.iloc[i-1, 2]
Marginal Costs Available capacity (MW) Cumulative capacity (MW) xpos
Solar 1 200 200 100.0
Wind 2 250 450 325.0
Hydro 5 200 650 550.0
Nuclear 10 500 1150 900.0
Biomass 40 50 1200 1175.0
Coal 60 200 1400 1300.0
Gas 80 250 1650 1525.0
Oil 120 100 1750 1700.0
Diesel 130 50 1800 1775.0

Find the power plant type that determines cut-off

In [9]:
def cut_off(demand):
    #To get the cutoff power plant 
    for index in df.index:

        if df.loc[index, "Cumulative capacity (MW)"] < demand:

            cut_off_power_plant = index
            print ("Power plant that sets the electricity price is: ", cut_off_power_plant)
    return cut_off_power_plant 

Power plant that sets the electricity price is:  Gas
In [10]:
def merit_order_curve(demand = 1500):
    plt.figure(figsize = (12, 8))
    plt.rcParams["font.size"] = 14

    color_dict = {"Solar":"yellow","Wind":"limegreen","Nuclear":"pink","Hydro":"darkblue", "Biomass":"green",
    df["Colors"] =
    colors = df["Colors"].tolist()
    xpos = df["xpos"].values.tolist()
    y = df["Marginal Costs"].values.tolist()
    #width of each bar
    w = df["Available capacity (MW)"].values.tolist()
    cut_off_power_plant = cut_off(demand)

    fig =, 
            height = y,
            width = w,
            fill = True,
            color = colors)

    plt.xlim(0, df["Available capacity (MW)"].sum())
    plt.ylim(0, df["Marginal Costs"].max() + 20)

    plt.hlines(y = df.loc[cut_off_power_plant, "Marginal Costs"],
              xmin = 0,
              xmax = demand,
              color = "red",
               linestyle = "dashed",
              linewidth = 3)

    plt.vlines(x = demand,
               ymin = 0,
               ymax = df.loc[cut_off_power_plant, "Marginal Costs"],
               color = "red",
               linestyle = "dashed",
               label = "Demand",
              linewidth = 3)

    plt.legend(fig.patches, power_plants,
              loc = "best",
              ncol = 3)

    plt.text(x = demand - df.loc[cut_off_power_plant, "Available capacity (MW)"]/2,
            y = df.loc[cut_off_power_plant, "Marginal Costs"] + 10,
            s = f"Electricity price: \n    {df.loc[cut_off_power_plant, 'Marginal Costs']} $/MWh")

    plt.xlabel("Power plant capacity (MW)")
    plt.ylabel("Marginal Cost ($/MWh)")
    plt.title("Merit order curve in an electricity market")
               dpi = 300)
merit_order_curve(demand = 1500)
Power plant that sets the electricity price is:  Gas
In [11]:
from ipywidgets import *

demand = widgets.IntSlider(value = 1500,   #default value
                          min = 0,        #minimum possible value, here 0
                          max = df["Available capacity (MW)"].sum(),    #maximum possible value is sum of all available capacity
                          step = 10,      
                          description = "Demand",
                          continuous_update = False    #Set False to avoid flickering

interactive_plot = interact(merit_order_curve,
                           demand = demand)

Merit Order Implementation with Plotly

In [12]:
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import plotly.offline as pyo
In [13]:
Marginal Costs Available capacity (MW) Cumulative capacity (MW) xpos Colors
Solar 1 200 200 100.0 yellow
Wind 2 250 450 325.0 limegreen
Hydro 5 200 650 550.0 darkblue
Nuclear 10 500 1150 900.0 pink
Biomass 40 50 1200 1175.0 green
Coal 60 200 1400 1300.0 black
Gas 80 250 1650 1525.0 orange
Oil 120 100 1750 1700.0 gray
Diesel 130 50 1800 1775.0 maroon
In [14]:
def plotly_merit_order(demand = 1500):    #default demand for convenience
    cut_off_power_plant = cut_off(demand)

    xpos = df.xpos.tolist()
    marginal_costs = df["Marginal Costs"].tolist()
    available_capacities = df["Available capacity (MW)"].tolist()
    #colors = df["Colors"].tolist()
    fig = go.Figure()

    #Plot all bars at once. This does not give the labels though.
    #fig = go.Figure(data = go.Bar(x = xpos,
    #                             y = marginal_costs,
    #                             width = available_capacities,
    #                             marker_color = colors,
                                  #name = df.index.tolist(),                             
    #                             )
    #               )
    #To plot each bar one by one
    for index in df.index:
        fig.add_traces(go.Bar(x = [df.loc[index, "xpos"]],
                             y = [df.loc[index, "Marginal Costs"]],
                             width = [df.loc[index, "Available capacity (MW)"]],
                             name = index,
                             marker_color = [df.loc[index, "Colors"]]

    fig.add_vline(x = demand,
                  y0 = 0,

                  #Normalize value for y1 between min and max of the range of y-axis. The min is 0 and the max is 130.
                  y1 = df.loc[cut_off_power_plant, "Marginal Costs"]/max(marginal_costs),
                  line_dash = "dash",
                  line_color = "red",


    fig.add_hline(y = df.loc[cut_off_power_plant, "Marginal Costs"],
                  x0 = 0,

                  #Normalize value for demand between min and max of xpos
                  x1 = (demand - min(xpos))/ (max(xpos) - min(xpos)),
                 line_dash = "dash",
                 line_color = "red",


    #Add text for demand
        x=[demand* 1.15],
        text=["Demand: \n" + str(demand)+ " MW"],
        textposition="top center",
            #family="sans serif",

    #Add text for electricity price
        x=[demand * 1.15],
        y=[df.loc[cut_off_power_plant, "Marginal Costs"]],
        name="Electricity price",
        text=["Electricity price: \n" + str(df.loc[cut_off_power_plant, "Marginal Costs"])+ " $/MWh"],
        textposition="top center",
            #family="sans serif",

    #Update ranges for x and y axis
    fig.update_xaxes(range=[0, sum(available_capacities)])
    fig.update_yaxes(range=[0, max(marginal_costs)])
    fig.update_layout(title = "Merit Order Curve",
                     xaxis_title = "Available Capacities (MW)",
                     yaxis_title = "Marginal Costs",
    fig.update_layout(showlegend = True)
plotly_merit_order(demand = 1000)
Power plant that sets the electricity price is:  Nuclear
In [15]:
demand = widgets.IntSlider(value = 1500,   #default value
                          min = 0,        #minimum possible value, here 0
                          max = df["Available capacity (MW)"].sum(),    #maximum possible value is sum of all available capacity
                          step = 10,      
                          description = "Demand",
                          continuous_update = True    #Set False to avoid flickering

interact(plotly_merit_order, demand = demand);

Marginal Abatement Cost Curve

In [16]:
opportunities = ["Replacing old lights with LEDs", "Car fuel economy improvements", "Building retrofits",
               "Industrial process improvements", "Power plants maintenance", "Buildings insulation",
               "Reforestation", "Waste recovery","Wind",
               "Solar", "Biomass cofiring", "Hybrid cars"]

mitigation_potential = [120, 100, 40, 50, 60, 80, 200, 80, 50, 50, 30, 20]

costs = [-100, -75, -50, -20, -10, 10, 15, 25, 30, 40, 60, 90]

df1 = pd.DataFrame({"Opportunities": opportunities,
                  "Mitigation Potential (CO2e)": mitigation_potential,
                  "Marginal Abatement Costs ($/CO2e)": costs})

df1.set_index("Opportunities", inplace = True)

df1["Sectors"] = ["Buildings", "Transport", "Buildings", "Industry", "Power",
                "Buildings","Forestry","Waste", "Power", "Power", "Power", "Transport"]

df1["Colors"] = df1["Sectors"].map({"Buildings":"darkorange", "Transport":"olivedrab", "Industry":"grey",
                                 "Forestry": "green", "Waste":"darkgoldenrod", "Power": "lightsteelblue"})

Mitigation Potential (CO2e) Marginal Abatement Costs ($/CO2e) Sectors Colors
Replacing old lights with LEDs 120 -100 Buildings darkorange
Car fuel economy improvements 100 -75 Transport olivedrab
Building retrofits 40 -50 Buildings darkorange
Industrial process improvements 50 -20 Industry grey
Power plants maintenance 60 -10 Power lightsteelblue
Buildings insulation 80 10 Buildings darkorange
Reforestation 200 15 Forestry green
Waste recovery 80 25 Waste darkgoldenrod
Wind 50 30 Power lightsteelblue
Solar 50 40 Power lightsteelblue
Biomass cofiring 30 60 Power lightsteelblue
Hybrid cars 20 90 Transport olivedrab
In [17]:
df1["Cumulative Mitigation Potential"] = df1["Mitigation Potential (CO2e)"].cumsum()
Mitigation Potential (CO2e) Marginal Abatement Costs ($/CO2e) Sectors Colors Cumulative Mitigation Potential
Replacing old lights with LEDs 120 -100 Buildings darkorange 120
Car fuel economy improvements 100 -75 Transport olivedrab 220
Building retrofits 40 -50 Buildings darkorange 260
Industrial process improvements 50 -20 Industry grey 310
Power plants maintenance 60 -10 Power lightsteelblue 370
Buildings insulation 80 10 Buildings darkorange 450
Reforestation 200 15 Forestry green 650
Waste recovery 80 25 Waste darkgoldenrod 730
Wind 50 30 Power lightsteelblue 780
Solar 50 40 Power lightsteelblue 830
Biomass cofiring 30 60 Power lightsteelblue 860
Hybrid cars 20 90 Transport olivedrab 880
In [18]:
df1["xpos"] = ""

for index in df1.index:
    #get index number based on index name
    i = df1.index.get_loc(index)
    if index == "Replacing old lights with LEDs":    #First index
        df1.loc[index, "xpos"] = df1.loc[index, "Mitigation Potential (CO2e)"]/2
        #Sum of cumulative mitigation potential in the row above and the half of mitigation in 
        df1.loc[index, "xpos"] = df1.loc[index, "Mitigation Potential (CO2e)"]/2 + df1.iloc[i-1, 4]
Mitigation Potential (CO2e) Marginal Abatement Costs ($/CO2e) Sectors Colors Cumulative Mitigation Potential xpos
Replacing old lights with LEDs 120 -100 Buildings darkorange 120 60.0
Car fuel economy improvements 100 -75 Transport olivedrab 220 170.0
Building retrofits 40 -50 Buildings darkorange 260 240.0
Industrial process improvements 50 -20 Industry grey 310 285.0
Power plants maintenance 60 -10 Power lightsteelblue 370 340.0
Buildings insulation 80 10 Buildings darkorange 450 410.0
Reforestation 200 15 Forestry green 650 550.0
Waste recovery 80 25 Waste darkgoldenrod 730 690.0
Wind 50 30 Power lightsteelblue 780 755.0
Solar 50 40 Power lightsteelblue 830 805.0
Biomass cofiring 30 60 Power lightsteelblue 860 845.0
Hybrid cars 20 90 Transport olivedrab 880 870.0
In [19]:
df1["xpos_labels"] = df1["xpos"] - df1["Mitigation Potential (CO2e)"]/2

Mitigation Potential (CO2e) Marginal Abatement Costs ($/CO2e) Sectors Colors Cumulative Mitigation Potential xpos xpos_labels
Replacing old lights with LEDs 120 -100 Buildings darkorange 120 60.0 0.0
Car fuel economy improvements 100 -75 Transport olivedrab 220 170.0 120.0
Building retrofits 40 -50 Buildings darkorange 260 240.0 220.0
Industrial process improvements 50 -20 Industry grey 310 285.0 260.0
Power plants maintenance 60 -10 Power lightsteelblue 370 340.0 310.0
Buildings insulation 80 10 Buildings darkorange 450 410.0 370.0
Reforestation 200 15 Forestry green 650 550.0 450.0
Waste recovery 80 25 Waste darkgoldenrod 730 690.0 650.0
Wind 50 30 Power lightsteelblue 780 755.0 730.0
Solar 50 40 Power lightsteelblue 830 805.0 780.0
Biomass cofiring 30 60 Power lightsteelblue 860 845.0 830.0
Hybrid cars 20 90 Transport olivedrab 880 870.0 860.0
In [20]:
plt.figure(figsize = (14, 8))
plt.rcParams["font.size"] = 14

colors = df1["Colors"].values.tolist()
xpos = df1["xpos"].values.tolist()
y = df1["Marginal Abatement Costs ($/CO2e)"].values.tolist()\

#width of each bar
w = df1["Mitigation Potential (CO2e)"].values.tolist()
sectors = df1["Sectors"].values.tolist()

fig =, 
              height = y,
              width = w,
              fill = True,
              color = colors,
              alpha = 0.75)

#Add labels for each mitigation technology/option
for index in df1.index:
    x_ref = df1.loc[index, "xpos_labels"]
    y_ref = df1.loc[index, "Marginal Abatement Costs ($/CO2e)"]
    if y_ref <=0:    
        plt.annotate(text = index,
                     xy = (x_ref, y_ref),
                     xytext = (x_ref, y_ref - 10),
        plt.annotate(text = index,
                     xy = (x_ref, y_ref),
                     xytext = (x_ref, y_ref + 10))
#Select only relevant patches for legend
selected_patches = fig.patches[0], fig.patches[1], fig.patches[3], fig.patches[4], fig.patches[6], fig.patches[7]
selected_sectors = sectors[0], sectors[1], sectors[3], sectors[4], sectors[6], sectors[7]

plt.xlim(0, df1["Mitigation Potential (CO2e)"].sum())
plt.ylim(df1["Marginal Abatement Costs ($/CO2e)"].min() - 20,
        df1["Marginal Abatement Costs ($/CO2e)"].max() + 20)

          loc = "best")

plt.xlabel("Annual GHG emissions abatement for country X (MtCO$_2e$)")
plt.ylabel("Costs per GHG emissions reduction (USD/tCO$_2e$)")
plt.title("Marginal Abatement Cost Curve (MACC)")

            dpi = 300)